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Welcome to the Brahmaputra Board

The Brahmaputra Board was established by the Government of India under an Act of Parliament called The Brahmaputra Board Act, 1980 (46 of 1980) for planning and integrated implementation of measures for control of floods and bank erosion in the Brahmaputra Valley and for matters connected therewith. It operates under the Ministry of Jal Shakti (formerly Ministry of Irrigation) and is headquartered in Guwahati. The Board's responsibilities encompass the entire Brahmaputra and Barak Valleys, including parts of all the North-Eastern states and northern part of West Bengal falling under Brahmaputra Basin. To achieve its mandate, the Board carries out surveys, investigations and prepares Master Plans for the control of floods and bank erosion and improvement of drainage within its jurisdiction. It is to be noted that in preparing the Master Plan, the Board emphasizes the development and utilization of water resources for irrigation, hydro power, navigation and other beneficial purposes.


To foster sustainable development and equitable utilization of the Brahmaputra River's water resources through effective regulation and development within the Inter-State Brahmaputra & Barak River Valley.


To achieve integrated flood and river basin management in the Northeast Region, encompassing both interstate and international rivers. This will be accomplished through collaborative efforts with state governments and key stakeholders, leveraging cutting-edge knowledge, technology, and the expertise of domain specialists.

Hon’ble Minister
Shri C. R. Patil
Hon’ble Minister of State
Shri Raj Bhushan Choudhary
Hon’ble Minister of State
Shri V. Somanna
Brahmaputra Board
Dr. Ranbir Singh, IAS (R)
Contact Us

Brahmaputra Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India, Basistha Guwahati-781029

Phone: 0361-2300128

Email: secy-bbrd[at]gov[dot]in   |  bbrd-ghy[at]nic[dot]in